KMi hosts MMKM Workshop

On the 14th February, KMi hosted the annual Multimedia and Knowledge Management (MMKM) workshop, with members of the network coming from around the world to expose their work and help give new perspectives in this area of research.
Guest speakers including Dr Alex Hauptmann from CMU, Prof Thomas Seidl from RWTH Aachen, Dr Ken Wood, Deputy Managing Director at Microsoft Research Cambridge, Prof Frederic Fol Leymarie from Goldsmiths, Prof Wolfgang Nejdl from the University of Hanover, Prof Steffan Staab from University of Koblenz-Landau and Prof Maja Pantic from Imperial College London, who all gave position talks asking questions about the future of MMKM research, its place in the world and gave us insight into the current state of the art.

The day attracted around 70 attendees and was an excellent chance to socialise with others working in the field. Posters were displayed that gave overviews of work carried out in the MMKM members’ research groups.

The workshop was organised by Prof Stefan Rüger and Dr Dawei Song along with the MMIS group from the KMi.


Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
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United Kingdom

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