KMi delivers key workshops at E2bN 2010

KMi has long been associated with the East of England Broadband Network, helping E2bN deliver FlashMeeting videoconferencing and the Making the News schools’ journalism portal to all of the primary and secondary education providers in the E2bN area.

As part of this ongoing relationship KMi’s Dr Peter Scott and Alan Fletcher delivered key workshops at this year’s E2bN conference.

Learning Tools of the Future ran as a two-hour workshop to draw on the experience of the audience, as mainly teachers and Local Education Authority employees, in the use of ICT to support learning across the curriculum. Showcasing key developments and encouraging debate on the use of embedded ICT in teaching, the workshop was lively and well attended.

The FlashMeeting Workshop ran as a live interactive FlashMeeting for attendees to the conference, allowing them to experience first hand the ease of FM technology and debate the use of FM in a learning environment, as well as gain a sneak preview of some key developments in Flashmeeting surrounding the building of groups and further analysis of meeting content.

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