KMi Awarded a New EPSRC Grant

Dr. Dawei Song of the Knowledge Media Institute has received a new research grant from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It consolidates KMi’s position as a growing international research center in information retrieval. The award was recently announced following an EPSRC&#39s Computer Science (Tech) panel meeting held on 23rd May. The success rate was 10%.

Specifically Dr Song has been awarded:

£163,429 for &#39Operationalizing the Logical Uncertainty Principle in a Language Modelling Framework for Context-based Information Retrieval&#39, 1/9/2006-31/8/2008.

This project aims to investigate a solution to the emerging context-based information retrieval by integrating context-dependent reasoning in a statistical language modelling framework. The hypothesis is that a combination of the strengths of logical inference and language modelling as a new generation IR infrastructure can lead to more intelligent and context-sensitive but at the same time computationally tractable IR systems.

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