KMi’s Alexander Mikroyannidis recently gave two invited talks at the SLERD 2021 conference and at an info day organised by EKDDA. The first event took place online on June 25th. Alexander was invited as speaker on the panel “Towards Learning Ecosystems Based on Competences: the promise of the micro-credentials” panel, in the context of the 6th conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (SLERD). The talks of the panellists sparked discussions around the potential of micro-credentials beyond being a useful tool for bridging formal and informal education, towards revolutionising the educational system into developing true competences. Alexander presented his latest work on transforming micro-credentials through decentralisation solutions, conducted in the context of the QualiChain project. The recording of this panel will be made available on the YouTube ASLERD channel.
The second event took place online on June 30th and was organised by the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA) in Greece. The theme of this info day was focused on “Smart Digital Services for the Public Sector” and featured invited talks from academics and civil servants in Greece and abroad. Alexander presented the case studies investigated by the QualiChain project in transforming education and public sector recruitment using blockchain technologies.