Final PHAROS review

The final project review for PHAROS took place in Lannion, France on March 18. Three years of hard work and detailed review preparation was very evident and the initial comments from the reviewers were highly positive.

The PHAROS (Platform for searcHing of Audiovisual Resources across Online Spaces) project developed an integrated audiovisual search platform incorporating media analysis tools and content-based search engines. The demonstration platform used key KMi technology to analyse, segment and annotate video and to perform content-based search across video collections. The outcomes from PHAROS can been seen at the project website or via demonstration videos hosted on the PHAROS YouTube channel. The tools and technologies developed for PHAROS and the contacts made throughout the PHAROS federation are continuing to be used in future projects.

The project finished with a social dinner on Thursday evening which included a walk to a nearby lighthouse – the symbol of the PHAROS project.

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