Farewell Celebration for Peter Scott

Members of KMi and colleagues from across the University gathered in the lab to say goodbye to our Director.

Peter will be sorely missed in his role as a leader and a mentor in KMi. After twenty years of service to The Open University, and seven years as KMi’s Director, Professor Scott will soon become Assistant Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.

KMi’s Director-designate, Professor John Domingue, gave a talk reflecting on the many years they’d spent working together and Professor Scott’s contribution to the lab. Having joined the lab when it was set up twenty years ago, Professor Domingue, will be beginning his role as Director on 1 August.

A number of leaving videos were contributed – students:


And from the KMi secretarial staff:


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Peter received a parting gift from KMi Artwork incorporating the faces of all KMiers
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