Simon Buckingham Shum

DfE consults KMi on Educational Big Data/Analytics

The Dept. for Education Educational Technology Action Group (ETAG), was set up in February 2014 by three Ministers: Michael Gove, Matthew Hancock and David Willetts. In response to the online consultation, Simon Knight and I have contributed to the ETAG2a cluster focused on: Students with sight and control of their own complex learning "big" data….

Reinventing University for a Wholistic Education

"As universities adapt for the 21st century, what could be done now, like never before, to fully educate future workers, citizens and fulfilled human beings?" This is the very challenging question which Randy Bass is exploring in a 6-part series of video roundtables (each with a 10min summary) to Reinvent the University for the Whole…

KMi @ ESRC Code Acts in Education seminar

Last Friday I gave an invited talk at the ESRC Code Acts in Education seminar series, University of Edinburgh. I focused on how the different dimensions to how Learning Analytics "act" in education: analytics are assessment tools, embodying educational worldviews. More details and recording of my talk on my blog. How do Learning Analytics “act”…

Open Learning Analytics come a step closer

Key players in the field have combined forces to add momentum to the creation of open source learning analytics. I recently returned from the Open Learning Analytics (OLA) Summit at which SoLAR and Apereo Foundation committed to collaboration around OLA will enable educational institutions to create open or hybrid for fee/free analytics infrastructures. Analytics capacity…

Discourse-Centric Learning Analytics Workshop, LAK14 Indianapolis

KMi and IET combined forces to run the 2nd International Workshop on Discourse-Centric Analytics (DCLA14), as part of the LAK14 international learning analytics conference. Following the successful DCLA13 workshop, DCLA has now become a recognised class of analytics, at the intersection of several different disciplines, represented by the participants. Co-authoring with MIT’s Mark Klein, Anna…

KMi @ Big Data in Education, NSF Workshop

In Washington DC, George Mason University convened a workshop on Big Data in Education, sponsored by the National Science Foundation,the Academy of Finland, and the Finnish Embassy. It brought together an eclectic group from education, computing and several who shared their experiences of how massive data is transforming their fields. The challenge laid down as…

KMi’s Duygu Simsek wins the LAK’14 Best Demo Award

The 4th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference held in Indianapolis, IN, USA 2 weeks ago. The conference theme this year was intersection of learning analytics research, theory and practice. The Poster & Demo Session of the conference took place on March 26th, 2014, and KMi’s Duygu was one of the demo presenters with “Visual Analytics…

KMi’s Simon Knight wins Computing and Philosophy Award

Congratulations to PhD student Simon Knight, who has just won the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP)/Carnegie Mellon, Brian Michael Goldberg Memorial Award for graduate research in the areas of computing and philosophy. Simon is particularly interested in the role of social epistemology in understanding information seeking, and collaborative knowledge construction platforms such as…