Shamus Foster

Mars Comes to MK!

Children at a primary school in Milton Keynes are investigating the Martian landscape using their own Pathfinder buggy – courtesy of Peter Whalley’s Hyperbuggy software. Using pictures of the Mars mission from NASA’s Pathfinder site, pupils at Heronsgate school have recreated the Mars rover’s surroundings and are navigating them using their own buggy. The buggy…

NCSA basks in reflected glory – FirstFlight is mirrored at Illinois

Fresh from plaudits by the California Institute of Technology, Peter Whalley’s FirstFlight site now has a states-side mirror at the University of Urbana-Champaign at Illinois, home of the NCSA. Sections of the site are being reflected at “To Fly is Everything” the virtual museum of aviation at Urbana-Champaign. In particular, the simulation of the Wright…