Paul Hogan

Merry Christmas From KMi

During 2016 the Knowledge Media Institute has been involved in developing and presenting variations of how Augmented Reality can be used in the education sector. The KMi Noel mobile application is a festive fun app developed by KMi for Open University staff. The app uses Augmented Reality to display a winter wonderland with animated elves,…

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Presented to LUANAR Delegates

Today Paul Hogan presented his work on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to visiting delegates from the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources in Malawi. Dr Joshua Valeta – Open and Distance Learning Coordinator and Dr Tasokwa Vida Musa Kakota – Senior Lecturer in Mathematics and Head of Basic Sciences Department were visiting the University primarily to…

Digital Humanities in Practice: AR and VR in Humanities Teaching

Today Paul Hogan presented the first seminar in the Digital Humanities in Practice 2016/17 seminar series. Covering all his work to date in the field of Augmented Reality and Virtual Realty the presentation was a practical demonstration of each application detailing the ideas behind its development and possible uses where it could be applied. The seminar demonstrated…

Augmented Reality Presented at Show and TEL

Today KMi’s Paul Hogan gave a presentation on the augmented reality application he is developing for the October 2017 presentation of SK299 Human Biology.  The app uses augmented reality to display a 3D model of a human heart in the users view that they can interact with.  His presentation demonstrated the app in use along…

Human Biology Sample Augmented Reality App Released

Paul Hogan in KMI is developing an augmented reality app for colleagues in the STEM faculty that explores the potential of Augmented Reality (AR) to support students studying human biology.   The app allows the user to view and interact with an anatomically correct 3D model of a human heart.   To share this work…

OUSA Conference 2016 Gets Augmented Reality Presentation

Last Saturday Mobile Applications Developer from KMi, Paul Hogan gave a 45 minute presentation on KMi’s work with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to students attending the 2016 Open University Students Asscociation Conference. Paul’s presentation was well received and gave a detailed insight into the applications he has developed allowing students to see…

Season’s Greeting from the Knowledge Media Institute

The Knowledge Media Institute’s Paul Hogan has developed a mixed Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality mobile app to complement its Christmas card this year. Users can simply point their device at the card and see it come to life. They can also use the app with Google Cardboard and enter a virtual winter wonderland and…

AR app for TV series – The Hunt

The Knowledge Media Institute’s Paul Hogan has developed an augmented reality mobile application for the Open Media Unit to be used in conjunction with their HUNT poster campaign, that compliments the new OU/BBC series ‘The Hunt’ which begins on 1st November on BBC 1.   The app, available on both Android and IOS, provides the…

KMi Develops Augmented Reality Prospectus Mobile App

KMi has developed an Augmented Reality enabled mobile application to bring the latest undergraduate prospectus to life. The user of the app just points their device at the appropriate page in the prospectus and a 3D object will appear.  The displayed objects also allow user interaction such as swiping to rotate.   Related Links: View…

KMi @ Apple WWDC, San Francisco

Last week saw the major Apple World Wide Developer Conference 2009 in San Francisco – and I was there for the Open University. With a great new iPhone release, for v3.0 and a new device, the 3Gs – an exciting mobile community was clearly forming around the more classic OSX developer niches. There were many…