Marc Eisenstadt

Presentation to HP Labs ‘Mobile Bristol’ project

Yanna and Marc went to join an invited brainstorm about multiplayer gaming within the context of the Mobile Bristol project. Phil Stenton and his team there are very happy to provide an experimental environment within which Yanna and Bas Raijmakers (now doing a PhD at the Royal College of Art) can design and test next…

Insanely great email/file search tool

Having run tools like &#39AltaVista Personal&#39 and &#39Enfish&#39 over the years, and always having wondered &#39why can I search a large chunk of the web faster than I can search my own machine&#39, I&#39ve finally discovered one (at that &#39does the right thing&#39: it&#39s not merely that it indexes everything, but more that it… launch

John and Marc attended the launch at the Science Museum, itself the subject of a KMi Planet Story and huge international press coverage. 20,000 client registrations the first day! Related Links: launch

John and Marc attended the launch at the Science Museum, itself the subject of a KMi Planet Story and huge international press coverage. 20,000 client registrations the first day! Related Links:

World’s biggest climate simulation launched today

The Science Museum in London is the scene for today&#39s launch of, the world&#39s largest climate prediction experiment . The experiment, using thousands of personal computers to run different facets of a highly complex simulation, has been developed by a large team including the Oxford University Department of Atmospheric Physics, The University of Reading,…

Skype – P2P Voice over IP from the KaZaA team

From the Skype site (URL below): “Skype is the next phenomenon from the people who brought you KaZaA. Just like KaZaA, Skype uses P2P (peer-to-peer) technology to connect you to other users — not to share files this time, but to talk for free with your friends.” Well, according to the &#39holy grail&#39 feature set…

Yanna Vogiazou at HPLabs/FutureLab Bristol today

Yanna has been invited to HPLabs Bristol, at their NESTA FutureLab outpost, to present some ideas on live multiplayer gaming that could be deployed on next-generation wireless networks and devices. Her co-presenter is Bas Raijmakers, of the Interaction Design Lab at the Royal College of Art

ApplianSys visit

Mike Clar, Matt Robinson, and Dave Gravell of ApplianSys visited Marc Eisenstadt, Martin Dzbor, and Jiri Komzak to discuss potential use of our BuddySpace client and Jabber server/client tools, modifications, and expertise, in conjunction with their &#39IMBox 200&#39 (secure instant messaging-in-a-box). Related Links: ApplianSys

BuddySpace:10,000 Downloads

BuddySpace, KMi&#39s environment for integrating instant messaging, maps, and semantic web services, has now been downloaded by more than 10,000 users since the release of version 2.1 in February. Roughly half of these downloads come from the service provided by, and the other half come from KMi&#39s own BuddySpace site, also linked from SourceForge….

Demos says “Get with 3G, UK”

The Guardian reports Monday (link below): “Britain&#39s passionate but paradoxical love affair with the mobile phone is laid bare this week by the thinktank Demos as it calls for the next generation of mobile technologies to be harnessed to transform our relationships with each other and with the state.” The Demos recommendation is itself paradoxical…