Jane Whild

Dr Retno Larasati achieves PhD success!

We are delighted to announce that Dr Retno Larasati successfully defended her thesis today. Retno’s study was entitled: Trust and Explanation in Artificial Intelligence Systems: A Healthcare Application in Disease Detection and Preliminary Diagnosis. In her work, Retno has looked at the extent to which explanations and interactions can help non-expert users properly calibrate trust…

KMi at ISWC 2022

The 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022), the premier international forum for the Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph Community, is currently underway and, as in previous editions, is characterised by a significant participation from KMi researchers. The ISWC series of conferences is co-ordinated by the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA), whose Vice-President is KMi’s…

Congratulations Dr Venetia Brown, on your PhD Success!

Congratulations to KMi’s newest Doctor, Venetia Brown, who has successfully defended her thesis "The role of interactive web broadcasts in fostering distance learning students’ engagement with practical lab and fieldwork". Chaired by Dr Aisling Third, the examiners, Professor Eileen Scanlon (WELS, IET) and Dr Lynda Yorke (Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography, Bangor University), commented on the potential value…

OU Research Excellence Awards 2022

KMi members were among the 250 attendees who gathered in London on 22nd September for the OU Research Excellence Awards 2022. The evening was a celebration of research across the OU and also saw the launch of the new OU Strategy. We are delighted that KMi members were recognised as winners in two award categories. These were: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Judges recognised…

John Domingue at EDUtech_EUROPE 2022

KMi’s John Domingue attended the EDUtech_EUROPE 2022 conference that was held in Amsterdam between 5-6th October. The event brought together more than 3000 educators, 250 speakers and 200 edtech providers from across Europe to present stories, showcase innovation and inspire educators across the region. There were four event themes: T1: Schools Leaders and Hybrid Learning T2: Schools IT & Digital…

AR born in KMi to schools in Brazil

KMi’s Dr Lara Piccolo hosted a visit yesterday by Prof Alexandre Marino Costa, from Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil. Alexandre last visited KMi in 2016 when he collaborated with Dr Ale Okada and Paul Hogan to develop Augmented Reality applications (AR) for education. Lara said: “I am very happy to share that this collaboration was…

KMi members pay tribute to outgoing Director, John Domingue

KMi staff and doctoral students met on campus on this week for the first large face-to-face gathering since the 2020 lockdown. The afternoon event was held outdoors at the OU Pavilion in glorious sunshine. For members who joined KMi in the last two years this was opportunity to meet other lab members in person. People…

The Digital Development Services Team receive STEM Excellence Award

Congratulations to The Digital Development Team Services Team on receiving a STEM ‘Recognising Excellence’ Award at the Faculty Assembly on 22nd June.  Tracie Farrell led the nomination, citing the team’s Support with new and ongoing initiatives within KMi and STEM and exemplary attitude to providing support: "The team is proactive, enthusiastic and supportive. The team go above…

KMi Elects Co-Chair ahead of EDI Board inauguration

Many congratulations to Charlotte Hamilton who has been elected Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Co-Chair for KMi. Charlotte is a Senior Research Manager in our Professional Services Team and a member of the Athena Swan Self Assessment Team. She will serve for a term of 2 years and work with Jane Whild to set up an EDI Board…

Congratulations to our new Professors!

We are delighted that our colleagues Anna De Liddo and Miriam Fernandez have been awarded their chairs. The promotions, which take immediate effect, were announced by STEM Executive Dean, Professor Nick Braithwaite. Anna De Liddo is promoted to Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, this reflects her excellent research portfolio and the societal impact of her technologies….