Harith Alani

And the winners are

Ilaria Tiddi, Fridolin Wild and Dasha were announced the top KMi contributors to the internal Energy Awareness initiative which was done under the auspice of DecarboNet project, in collaboration with the Evidence Hub.   The winners were the top contributors of knowledge and ideas about energy consumption and behaviour change, which they debated and shared…

DecarboNet is on!

On October 8-10th, KMi hosted the kick off meeting of the new DecarboNet project, which is a three year, €2M project funded by the EU to study behaviour change towards energy consumption.   The premise of the project is that the lack of collective awareness negatively impacts perceived personal efficacy, which hampers efforts to address…

Lights Energy tree Action!

How can we raise awareness and engagement in energy consumption? How can we support people to learn about their consumption levels and patterns? What strategies help to change energy consumption behaviour? And in what contexts are they mostly efficient?       These questions were the focus of two ISave workshops which were held in KMi…

WeGov on the BBC

Hansard Society, one of the partners in WeGov, lead the organisation of an event in Westminster on 11th of September to debate if and how can social media inform policy-making, and what are the various issues associated with this emerging field.  In a coverage of the event, the BBC highlighted the growing field of using…

Best paper award at SocialCom

And the best paper award of the ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing goes to ……. Claudia Wagner, Matthew Rowe, Markus Strohmaier and Harith Alani: "Ignorance isn’t Bliss: An Empirical Analysis of Attention Patterns in Online Communities" This paper presents work that identifies attention patterns in community forums and shows how such patterns differ between communities of…

Against the odds at SocialCom 2012

The ASE/IEEE International Social Computing conference managed a 23% acceptance rate this year, maintaining a high profile and quality program and presentations. KMi submitted three papers to this conference, under the auspice of FP7 ROBUST and EPSRC ViolenceDet projects, and achieved a 100% acceptance rate!  Matthew Rowe and Harith Alani, in the paper titled "What makes communities tick?…

AAAI Spring Symp on Intelligent Web Services Meet Social Computing IWEBSS

Development of web services faces significant challenges concerning quality of design, development costs, endorsement of services by the community, integration and interoperability of services from different domains and effective sharing of services among users and developers. This spring symposium brought together two lines of research whose combination can help in dealing with these issues, namely…

Social Object Networks

Harith Alani from KMi co-organised a workshop at the 3rd IEEE Conference on Social Computing which took place at MIT, Boston 9-11 October. The SocialObjects workshop focused on the new R&D challenges associated with management and analysis of multi-dimensional social networks. The nuclei of most of today’s social networks are “Social Objects”; which are the…

Web Science Summer School

The second Web Science Summer School took place 6-13 July in Galway, Ireland. The school was organised by the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, NUI Galway, and was attended by over fifty international researchers. Harith Alani from KMi, who is a fellow of the Web Science Trust, was one of the invited speakers at the school…

WeGov passes its 1st review with flying colours

The review took place in Brussels on March 22 and was attended from KMi by Harith Alani and Sofia Angeletou. The reviewers showed a great interest in Sofia’s WeGov work on modeling the activities of users on social networks and analysing their online behaviour. Related Links: http://wegov-project.eu/