Alexander Mikroyannidis

The FORGE iBook is live on the Apple Store

The FORGE iBook is now live on the Apple iBooks Store and available in 51 stores worldwide. This is a fully interactive eBook for iOS and MacOS. It introduces a range of Future Internet topics using FIRE facilities. Readers have the opportunity to study in depth various aspects of networking protocols and infrastructure, watch instructional…

FORGE and Go-Lab meet in Dublin

Representatives from all FORGE partners met on November 4th and 5th in Trinity College Dublin. This plenary meeting offered an opportunity to check on the progress of the individual work packages of the project, as well as prepare a work plan for the third and final year of the project. Denis Gillet, technical coordinator of the Go-Lab…

Building Remote Labs for Online Scientific Experimentation

The FORGE and Go-Lab projects have jointly organised the hands-on workshop “Building Remote Labs for Online Scientific Experimentation”, which was collocated with the World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF), the International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL) and the International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP). The workshop took place on 20 September in Florence, Italy. Alexander Mikroyannidis…

FORGE at the 5th ARTEL workshop in Toledo

The FORGE project has organised the 5th Workshop on Awareness and Reflection in Technology Enhanced Learning (ARTEL 2015), which was held in the context of the EC-TEL 2015, in Toledo, Spain on 15 September 2015. The workshop aimed at: Providing a forum for presenting and discussing research on awareness and reflection in TEL. Creating an interactive experience that…

Inquiry-Based Learning with Online Labs and Mobile Apps

Representatives from the European projects weSPOT and Go-Lab organised and delivered a joint hands-on workshop at the JTEL summer school, which took place last week in Ischia, Italy. The workshop was entitled "Inquiry-Based Learning with Online Labs and Mobile Apps" and allowed participants to experiment with the inquiry toolkits developed by the weSPOT and Go-Lab…

The Open University and Cisco at the conference

The 3rd Experiment@International Conference (’15) took place last week in the beautiful island of Sao Miguel in the Azores. This biannual conference is dedicated to online experimentation, providing a forum of discussion and collaboration between academics, researchers, web designers, K-12 teachers and industry, trying to bridge the gap between academic applications and results as well as real…

EATEL SIG Remote Labs and Online Experimentation is established

The European projects FORGE and Go-Lab have jointly established the Special Interest Group (SIG): Remote Labs and Online Experimentation. The SIG has been established within the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning (EATEL). The EATEL supports a network of European research laboratories and groups via free services, sponsoring high profile TEL events, a knowledge interchange, and a…

Responsive Open Learning Environments: New book published by Springer

A new book edited by Sylvana Kroop, Alexander Mikroyannidis and Martin Wolpers has just been published by Springer. The book is entitled “Responsive Open Learning Environments” and presents the outcomes of 4 years of educational research in the EU-supported project called ROLE (Responsive Online Learning Environments). ROLE technology is centred around the concept of self-regulated…

The Video Journal of Open Education is out!

The first issue of the Video Journal of Open Education has just been published. This issue is dedicated to presenting the presentations of the 2014 OCWC Global Conference held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on April 23-26. The issue features an interview of Alexander Mikroyannidis talking about Open Education challenges and future directions. The Video Journal of…

KMi and weSPOT in Dubai

Alexander Mikroyannidis represented KMi and the weSPOT project last week at the IEEE International Conference on Web & Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL), which was held in Dubai. The event was highly successful, featuring a keynote from our very own Mike Sharples. Alexander presented a paper about the Inquiry-Based Learning platform developed in the context of…