Alexander Mikroyannidis

A successful conclusion for QualiChain

Last week saw the final review of the QualiChain project. Starting in January 2019, QualiChain has targeted the creation, piloting and evaluation of a decentralised platform for storing, sharing and verifying education and employment qualifications. The project pilots have targeted 4 key areas: (i) lifelong learning; (ii) smart curriculum design; (iii) staffing the public sector;…

KMi Blockchain work featured in OpenLearn

A series of articles featuring KMi’s Blockchain work have been published in OpenLearn. The articles have been authored by John Domingue and Alexander Mikroyannidis and address the following topics: What is Blockchain? Professor John Domingue and Doctor Alexander Mikroyannidis help decode the meaning of "blockchain". How do blockchain technologies work, and what do they do?…

Open Educational Resources and Practices in Language Learning and Teaching

The Multiplier Event of the Erasmus+ project OPENLang Network [Open Languages & Cultures Network], entitled: “Open Educational Resources and Practices in Language Learning and Teaching” has taken place online on December 10, 2021. The event was organised by Alexander Mikroyannidis and presented the lessons learned from the 3-year OPENLang Network project regarding the use of open educational resources and…

EDSA featured in the EU Data Market Study 2021-2023

The EDSA project has been featured in the European Data Market study 2021-2023. The latest European Data Market study demonstrates that the demand for data professionals is expected to grow with 8.7% in the next 5 years, while in 2019 there were an estimated six million data professionals in the EU27. However, still as a…

OpenLang Network Multiplier Events

The Multiplier Event of the Erasmus+ project OPENLang Network [Open Languages & Cultures Network], entitled: "Open Educational Resources and Practices in Language Learning and Teaching" will take place online on December 10, 2021, 9:00-13:30 GMT. The event is organised by The Open University and will present the lessons learned from the 3-year OPENLang Network project regarding…

KMi at MoodleMoot 2021

MoodleMoot Greece 2021 took place online on November 26-27, 2021. The purpose of this annual event is to promote a fruitful and creative dialogue in the educational community about the use of Moodle, to highlight its good practices in Greece, as well as to present innovative uses of Moodle operations in Greece and internationally. Alexander…

KMi at the Innovate Learning Summit 2021

The Innovate Learning Summit took place online on November 9-11, 2021. The conference was organised by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education and was attended by over 600 participants from more than 40 countries. The Innovate Learning Summit provides a unique forum for education and training professionals to discuss the latest research, development, applications, issues, and…

New Badged Open Course: Decentralising Education Using Blockchain Technology

KMi’s Alexander Mikroyannidis has developed the new badged open course: Decentralising Education Using Blockchain Technology. The course introduces Blockchain technology and its potential for decentralising and transforming education. The course also presents the work carried out by the QualiChain project for the decentralised management and verification of education and employment qualifications, specifically in the context…

KMi collaborates with WELS and BlueScreenIT in new Blockchain project

KMi has initiated a new project with WELS and the external company BlueScreenIT on leveraging Blockchain technology for OpenSTEM Africa. The project, led by WELS and funded by HEIF, is developing a business case and implementation model that leverages Blockchain capacity to create a smart and sustainable future for OpenSTEM Africa, BlueScreenIT’s education offerings and…

KMi at ICL2021

The 24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2021) took place as a hybrid event on September 22-24, 2021. This interdisciplinary conference is focused on the exchange of relevant trends and research results, as well as the presentation of practical experiences in Interactive Collaborative Learning and Engineering Pedagogy. KMi’s Alexander Mikroyannidis presented a paper on…