AAAI Spring Symp on Intelligent Web Services Meet Social Computing IWEBSS

Development of web services faces significant challenges concerning quality of design, development costs, endorsement of services by the community, integration and interoperability of services from different domains and effective sharing of services among users and developers.

This spring symposium brought together two lines of research whose combination can help in dealing with these issues, namely intelligent web services and social computing research.

Social Computing is a promising approach that can help to understand user and community behaviour and related computational challenges around Web services development.

This symposium was co-organised by Tomas Vitvar from the Czech Technical University, Harith Alani from KMi, and David Martin from Apple. The programme included three invited talks by Jamie Taylor from Google, Jhon Musser from the Programmable Web, and Fausto Giunchiglia from the University of Trento.

The symposium took place in Stanford, CA, and was attended by Harith Alani and Carlos Pedrinaci from KMi.

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