OU Analyse participated at the Learn About Fair, which focused on educational technologies used for learning and teaching and relevant research. The fair took place at The Open University on the 26 February.
The project team demonstrated new machine-learning based methods for identifying early on students at risk of failing. A list of ‘at risk’ students is communicated weekly to the module and SS teams to help them consider what support would be appropriate. The results can also be accessed through the OU Analyse dashboard , which allows you to explore the predictions at whole module level, as well as letting you focus on the individual students.
The project attracted a lot of attention and the team was approached by a number of module staff, student support team members, associate lecturers, module designers and other people participating in the educational activities. Representatives of several modules have expressed their interest in being included in the project and receiving regularly updated predictions.
OU Analyse builds on previous experience from the Jisc funded Retain in 2010-2011 and the joint OU-Microsoft Research Cambridge project in 2012-2013.