Teresa Connolly, KMi, & Jo Parker, Head of Information Literacy, OU Library attended the JISC/HEA OMAC & CILIP joint meeting at Senate House, London 26th July. It was a DELILA disemination event for developers of information & digital literacy teaching & learning materials organised by the London School of Economics (LSE), Birmingham University & the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Information Litercy (IL) Group hosted by the University of London Centre for Distance Education.
Delivering Educators’ Learning and Information Literacy for Accreditation: DELILA is one of the JISC/Higher Education Academy (HEA) OER Phase II funded projects in the Open Materials for Accredited Courses: OMAC strand.
There were a series of talks & workshops to exchange ideas & good practice as well as an opportunity to experiment with existing information literacy & digital literacy Open Educational Resources (OER).
Teresa displayed her SCORE Teaching Fellowhship poster focused on the LabSpace unit “OER Academic Practice” alongside that of her fellow SCORE Teaching Fellow Jane Gay, Kingston University, whose poster featured her LabSpace unit “An Introduction to Learning & Teaching in Higher Education”.
There was much interest in both LabSpace units as they bring together not only an index of UK & international OER Academic Practice but also highlight specific OER materials and, as such, are unique contributions to this aspect of Post Graduate Certificates in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education.
Related Links:
- Academic Practice OER LabSpace unit
- An Introduction to Learning & Teaching OER LabSpace unit
- DELILA project
- Digital Information Literacy cloudspace