ROBUST is launched

On November 14th, Harith Alani, Yulan He, and Matthew Rowe, travelled to Koblenz in Germany to attend the kick-off meeting of the new ROBUST project. ROBUST is a 3 year, €6.8M EU project with a consortium of 10 partners from 6 countries.

Online communities have emerged in all areas of society, and their use is now widespread in social, business, scientific and public service domains. They enable the community members to collaborate through shared ideas, knowledge and opinion. Thus, online communities generate major economic value to business and can form pivotal parts of corporate expertise management, corporate marketing, product support, customer relationship management, product innovation and targeted advertising.

The objective of ROBUST is to analyze, manage and care for online communities, in order support their well being, to provide access to the created values and to exploit the knowledge and information contained within. This requires the development of metrics, models and algorithms in several fields.

ROBUST is led by the University of Koblenz-Landau, and involves the companies of IBM, SAP, Polecat, Temis, and SoftwareMind, as well as the academic institutions of OU KMi, University of Southampton, National University of Ireland, and the Technical University of Berlin.

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